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the love of hiroshima_广岛之恋观后感600字

发布时间:2022-03-01 08:00:00 查看人数:318

the "love of hiroshima" looks very special. french women and japanese men is not a beginning to appear in the lens inside, and now they let the director of the hiroshima bomb picture will gradually appear alternately, the hero and heroine appears on the screen, the light subdued, the audience of the reality and history appear alternately without any abrupt feeling. the "left bank" film photography emphasizes the composition of the picture and the effect of the use of light. in the use of cameras, we often find that when facing a static material (or human), the camera slowly pullback or push, and the details are constantly enlarged to fill the whole picture. but the eyes of the "left bank" are very cold and serious.

starting with the dialogue between two people, the narration of the movie begins. the woman tells everything she saw in hiroshima, everything that is interspersed in the picture, everything about hiroshima, hiroshima after the atomic bomb, and the civilians who live in hiroshima, those who bear the unjust fate. the scenes bear the scene picture, make people see the tears, see the terrible war.

in hiroshima, they were sitting in the cafe, wandering in the peace square, entangled in the hotel. he stood on the lawn of the palm tree, watching her play angels in front of the camera, she heard him say, my wife out to two days back, eyes will flow up. the poisonous mushroom cloud is open in hiroshima, and the grass and wood have just been green in hiroshima. the old and the children are smiling hiroshima. the french woman, just let her heart once in front of the japanese men, chichu along the river of memory. the huge aircraft motor roared, waiting on the runway waiting for her to get into the dark space, out of the land. in this beautiful man in front of her melancholy, she said again that the distant nieweier, buried eighteen years old youth french town, and the german man.

another main line of the story is love, the two part of the french woman's love is all over the country. the first section is and a german soldier, germany is in a the image, which is destined to love the tragic ending; the second paragraph is the japanese men in japan appears to be a victim, but this man has a wife, but also doomed to this love youshiwuzhong...... the fate of a woman is full of tragedy. she feels that telling her first love to a japanese man is a way of letting go of the past. but she didn't realize that it was falling into love on another level.

originally life is impermanent, you suddenly meet in life, life is in turmoil, although love is only glimpses yiluanqingmi, but now each other in indulge, heroine of wandering in the middle of the night, the streets of hiroshima pain shirt dress, white as aloof from the soul, the hero by inner torment, follow, should be that sentence, you know, i love my wife, but at this moment, i cannot hold. the film uses a lot of monologue, montage and lens to express the importance of the horror and forgetting of the war.


the love of hiroshima_广岛之恋观后感600字
